About the concept of war, and injuries, and the stupidity of it all

Once you acquire a bad injury and need the help of caring people, you are deeply grateful for them. They try to get you back on your feet, cheer you up, feed and pamper you. My old bed neighbour(my age, haha, old) even had a friendly crush on our young male nurse and made him sign her an autograph. What I mean is, this is an extraordinary situation and everyone is happy when it is over. But it is wonderful to get help, although you hope it will never happen again. Now imagine some old power-crazy guys, solitary, mistrusting, unloved men mostly, who need to show the world how mighty they are. More influence, more land is what will show their grandeur. They will not negotiate with their adversaries, no, only a war can solve a conflict! They build or buy weapons, form an army of (mostly) adventurous young men, and invade their opponent`s country. This has been the accepted solution since many centuries, even milleniums. Hitting your neighbours on their heads will make them (um, they are dead, but still) see you are stronger, and that you were RIGHT! Now that you killed the others, destroyed their homes, you are justified to take over their possessions, mainly their land. Great idea! Can you see how IDIOTIC this logic is? And how it leads to incredibly many young ill-led men to become cripples, if they ever survive. What good can a war EVER do, that negotiations cannot do BETTER? To make soldiers deliberately fight and slaughter each other, to get killed or wounded so much that they cannot shoot back, isn`t that a concept of utter inhumanity? Why would we, in our time and age, where we have understood we need to save our earth and must work together, allow such a concept to prevail? Why do school children still have to learn about kings who fought other kings and won (thus rectifying their wars) - instead of learning about inventions and science developments that brought humankind forward? Yes, I am also talking about Mr. Putin`s war and the fact that his "territorial gains" in a foreign country do not prove a thing. Except that he should understand how outdated he is. And that his soldiers should go home.


  1. Well said, Angela. This aggression is sad, it is horrifying, it is unnecessary. As you said what is necessary is to find some middle ground on which to stand... No, I don't mean Putin should keep any of the land in Ukraine... he should go home and try to do something really constructive that will have a positive effect on planet Earth. Think of all the grain that will be destroyed through bombardment or that will rot in the fields because no one can harvest it. Don't the people of Russia need sustenance as well as other places around the world?
    We have so much conflict here in the U. S. that life appears not to be worth anything. If we are as aggressive with our own people just think how horrendous others would be treated. Where is our humanity?

    1. Cheryl, I am wondering about our common humanity too. Have we not learned a thing? There ARE many young people who want to work together and save our earth, but the more powerful ones hold their hands on profit and on becoming richer instead of more responsible. And now listen to those Supreme Justices who are not interested in women`s everyday lives, creating impossible situations for millions of them. My new blogpost will deal with them.


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