From chaos to kosmos

In the beginning there was tohuwabohu. Then God created Heaven and Earth and separated the land from the water. He was being creative, not knowing what would become of it. It was and is a process. I like the idea that we are still in that process. The more chaos, the brighter the silver lining. We are still in the middle of creation, it will never end. And by everything we do, we can influence the outcome. God gave us a free will, trusting us. Let us use it! In my mind, many things come together right now. If you listened to the news just these last days - wow! The hearings about Jan. 6th and all the testimony. Mr. Trump unhinged, but so many followers still denying it. Putin`s mafia state neglecting any humanity. Making innocent people die for his own power. Ghislaine Maxwell going to jail for 20 years, after Me Too finally worked. The patriarchy coming to an end, with the influential guys kicking and screaming. Mexican immigrants dying in a truck after some greedy people promised them a new life. The CLIMATE! Ocean pollution. Mister Bolsonaro cutting down more and more rain forests. Is there a common thread? Have we all lost our marbles? In my mind, I see something all this has in common. Don`t you? Who was in charge these last milleniums? Whose ideas were neglected? Just think about it.


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