Does anybody understand what death is? How can a living being suddenly stop breathing and not live anymore, never returning? With all its experiences, knowledge, love, everything. Gone! Ever since my husband died, I have been wondering. Where is he, when in my dreams we still chat and do things together. Which one is the real life? And then, what is life anyway? Aah, I know, such impossible questions. But really, haven`t you also wondered? My credo is simple. I think we are here to be happy. Don`t get me wrong. Happiness cannot have anything to do with circumstances, at least with the ones we cannot choose. If I suddenly find myself in a war zone, or a fire destroys my home, or any other catastrophe haunts me, then all I can do is try to survive, and shelter those who may need my help. I think this belongs together, caring not only for my own good, but for the ones around me. At least I have found that this makes my life happy. Looking around me and seeing "the others". My neighbours, natural surroundings, animals and plants. How can I live happily when others suffer? The question is, am I able to change anything when I am only a very small light? This is something I have been discussing with many people lately, and I find the same awareness in them. You see, I have moved away from my old home in North Germany not too long ago, to live near my daughter and her family. This brought me to a strange (for me) place near the Black Forest where people have a different dialect, eat different food, approach life a little slower, are friendly but a bit wary of newcomers. There was also Corona which made it not easy to make new acquaintances. But I am an outgoing person. I looked for groups which suited me. I found that I could not continue teaching my neighbour children English which I had done for 20 years, because nobody knew me well enough. But I love to be among young people, always learning new things from them! So I applied to join the "Senior Service", a group of Senior Citizens who offer help to the foreign students of the local technical college. Such a great idea! And there I found international students who are driven by the same idea: How to cope with old difficulties and find new solutions! I invited some to my home, walked around with others, and I found it amazing how the thoughts of sustainability and care of nature are part of their education and their thinking. Even in my generation these ideas are quite alive! There are always those who cling to their old ways and care nothing about the future, but I truly think that if those of us who WANT to be of help connect and work together, support the young people, donate, live more simple - we can get things done! Val says it`s the Mothers who are mighty, and I want to add: Yes, Mothers definitely, but also all people with motherly thinking. Because they know the truth of: It takes a village to raise a child. And that is what I mean. We can have a happy life, but we need to work together!


  1. As always, Angela, you have deep thoughts and many "wonderings". The last few months I've tried not to worry and dwell on things I cannot control. I tell myself that my VOTE counts, but in actuality I know I must do more than vote. I must "do"! I'm not as outgoing as you so putting myself out in the community is a bit difficult for me. Oddly enough, I have made many great connections via Zoom Meetings. Many have been sponsored by the Episcopal Church as there is much concern about all the "-isms" that I spoke of in my comment on your first posting. I've had meetings with One Human Race via Zoom; I participate in a Contemplative Prayer group on Wednesday night (another Zoom meeting); I have 3 book clubs to which I belong. But, I still don't feel like I'm actively participating in anything of great import. I'm learning, but I'm not doing.
    Now I think this could be my second blog post if I can come up with a name that suits me.

  2. Hi Geli
    I love how you open discussions on sometimes tricky subjects. Communication is everything. We must talk about our issues before they get inflamed. Find solutions together. Angry people repel discussion or help. Anger is fear they say. Thank you for this blog. I look forward to reading comments and your next post it’s time.

  3. Cheryl, thank you for commenting again, as long as you haven`t started your own blog, haha. The new title? I think, too, that it should be inviting and friendly, not keeping readers off before even beginning to read. I KNOW you are open and kind and just want to communicate, and I think this is what you and I try to encourage here in blogland. I am sure you will find a good one - like an open door!
    About your wish to DO more - I can relate to that! When I was 18, I visited the monastery in Taizé, Bourgogne, in France. There all the monks gathered in a big hall, visitors welcome, and at first they all kept silence in order to contemplate. Later, we all sang along to their most beautiful choruses (I remember one with just the words: l`Esprit du Seigneur remplit l` Univers, hallelujah, hallelujah. The roof almost rose!). I was quite taken with this spirit, but after a few days I felt something was lacking. What, after all their contemplation and singing, were they now DOING? And I thought, I want to be one who will not keep quiet and watch. I want to CHANGE things.
    What and how will be one topic for my blog, and I hope you all come and help me!

    1. I came up with a title... "Texas Woman Thinking & Listening". Now if I can just get it up and running!

  4. Heiko, come again to my kitchen table! It was so easy to communicate with you, in German, Low German and English. Isn`t it sometimes strange how we meet people and can rattle off immediately? To explain, Heiko and I also "met" in blogland years ago. He is a Dutchman, raised in Germany, with a love for music and plants, now living in Ireland, and one day, right after my arrival in this new town, he and his wife visited me in person for a chat.
    Communication is everything, Heiko, you are absolutely right! Music is of course a wonderful way, but not the only one. I have made the experience that there are many others, like smiling at strangers, or at dogs, or distracting a crying child. I found that it was sometimes enough to stop at a traffic light and ask people for the way or mention something obvious like the weather, and I get told long life-stories! There is such a great need for people to get things off their chests. And as I said, pointing at a bench and saying, hey, I am listening, is such an easy way to make friends. And by the way, you can get some really adventurous stories told!!

  5. Hi Mandy! Hopefully Blogger also lets you post more. Why does it have to be complicated now? It used to be easier.


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