Hi my friends - old and new! I am Angela. Years ago you knew me under "Letters from Usedom", but I wrote my last post in 2011. 

My husband and I were then living on the island Usedom, in North-East Germany, in a house by the sea, not far from the Polish border. It was a beautiful place, and I told you about my encounters and my thoughts, but what I liked best were your comments, and your own blogs.

You see, I have my head full of ideas too, but I always love to listen to yours! So when you also write a blog, or would like to chat with me via email, just get in contact. Have you heard of those libraries in Denmark where you can "rent a listener"? You just sit on a chair in the library, signalling that you would like to tell your story to somebody, and then a "listener" sits down opposite of you. Simple but great, hey?

That is what I like to be, someone who contemplates with you about the craziness of the world. Because, isn`t it just that? We as human folks have so much in common, we all love our children, laugh about the same funny videos, grieve when we lose someone we have loved, and like to be in company (not always, but from time to time). One wonders why this isn`t enough to make us get along with each other.

But there are always people who are unhappy (I think that must be the reason) and jealous and cold and wish only the good things for themselves. My (imagined) solution is of course to make everyone happy. Haha, I know! But wouldn`t that be great and make the whole world better? I keep thinking that a kind, but rule-setting education could be a way, but then - what rules? Tough, all that. 

So, in the meantime, I will tell you about my life and my stories and gladly listen to yours. All we can really do is share whatever we have learned and then laugh together. 

What you should perhaps know about me is that I am a German, but I like to write in English because then my (so far) English, American, Australian and South African friends can understand me. You can always ask me any question if you want to know more.

This is my new beginning, and let`s see what will come of it. My very good South African friend Val has also started a new blog (formerly Monkeys on the Roof, now Under the Marula Tree). She was the one who encouraged me. And she has GREAT stories to tell! 

Cheers from Angela


  1. Hello Angela! Greetings from central Texas. Yes, we met many, many years ago as bloggers. My blog was Lizzy Frizzfrock, Lizzy's Photos, and more recently Thoughts on Racism & Whatever-else is Important. I think the later one had a last entry in January 2021. I don't think I want to continue with that title and may go back to the original or come up with something different.
    I have such wonderful memories with the Lizzy Frizzfrock blog because it covered many things that the G-man & I did together. I may want to keep it separate. As for Lizzy's Photos, well I haven't taken a lot of photos except around home... I could still resurrect it on occasion.
    "Thoughts on Racism..." may be just too controversial and though I may discuss various "-isims" I don't want to go announcing trouble before it's ever read. In other words, I'm looking for peaceful, calm, sincere responses to any thoughts I write. Also, I do not have a "chip on my shoulder" which that title may indicate that I have.
    What I do have is a deep sadness and apprehension bordering on despair for the direction of our country and the world. I see our democracy slipping away. I fear we may have to loose it before people will realize the freedoms that we may lose. If I can come up with a new blog title this comment on your new blog may be my first entry.
    So happy you are back!!! Hoping other of our blog friends will follow suit!

  2. Ulkig, jetzt geht's, aber nur anonym... Schoenen Gruss aus Portaferry. Heiko

  3. Heiko, never mind if you can only comment as anonymous. I always appreciate your thoughts.

  4. Dear Cheryl, my lovely old blog pal. Of course I remember Lizzy Frizzfrock and the G-man-stories. So much has happened since these days. You are right, many controversions that we could always just talk about and debate now seem like big hurdles. Many people have closed their minds and won`t even listen to other opinions.
    That is why I want to stress the listening part in my blog. The reason being that I have met truly nice and kind people who had (to me) very strange ideas about life, but I liked them anyway. It is not my job to value or correct them. Why should I? If this attitude they have suits them? Often there is a wish to belong to a group, or to be accepted, or try out a way of living which is different from what they were taught. I think there is sometimes a bit of rebellion, if it is not a lack of courage or even fear. Who can tell what a human mind is churning around all day? But we do not have to continue any quarrel, do we?

    1. Absolutely, we do no have to continue any quarrel!!! So much better for me and for thee (they) if we can somehow get past a quarrel. Life is too short!

  5. Oh no!!! my comment above posted as Anonymous, but I'm sure you know it was I ... the "lovely old blog pal"!

    1. Haha, now I know! Thanks my friend. I think posting as anonymous remains the only way. That would be okay. I always guess!


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